Books on My Shelves (Reviews)

Sports centre 2As the Books on Translation and Interpreting page clearly shows, a number of translators have diversified into penning interesting books to share their experience, knowledge and advice with both new and more seasoned colleagues. I’d love to read them all, as I’m sure they all provide worthy takeaways to improve our craft and/or business, but I haven’t found a way to extend the day beyond 24 hours yet. Below are links to the reviews of the translation-related books I have managed to digest so far. If you are interested in more book/dictionary reviews, you might like to visit the Dictionary and Reference Board on where you can both post and rate your paper resources.

  1. New Oxford Style Manual
  2. The Chicago Manual of Style
  3. Diversification in the Language Industry (versión en castellano)
  4. The Bright Side of Freelance Translation (versión en castellano)
  5. 101 Things a Translator Needs to Know
  6. Don’t Trust Your Spell Check
  7. A Review of Pavel Elin’s “Effective Email Marketing for Freelance Linguists: Detailed Roadmap with Guidelines and Tips” guest post by Karolina Łachmacka